Hertford News

A drop-in art afternoon is held monthly at Broxbourne URC. It runs from 2 - 3.30pm on a chosen afternoon each month. It offers an opportunity for anyone to come along during the afternoon to explore a selection of art materials. Just drop in to spend a little time exploring with pencils, paints, pastels, charcoal and paper. Everyone is welcome. There is no cost. There is also an option to add the resulting artwork to a display in the church

We were delighted to have to have 30 children as part of the Mill Mead School Choir join us with their families at our Family Carol Service on Sunday 15th December.  The very talented Choir sung two very enjoyable Christmas songs and joined in a ‘make-shift’ percussion band to accompany two of our Christmas Carols. We were also very pleased that many of the families stayed after the Service for light refreshments and a chat. A wonderful way to start
