
Harmony and Hope – a celebration of the season - our service on Sunday morning 15 December, 2024 – 3rd Sunday of Advent Led by Rosemary Woodall and Dorothy Blatcher With a particular focus on harmony and the hope that sustains it, this accessible all-age service included: A video about a refugee family in the Middle East today – linking it to the conditions of Christ’s birth and finding many parallels with conditions today especially for the displaced, the impoverished and

Our Lessons and Carols by candlelight was a wonderful occasion – a team effort and a blessing to all. So many attended that extra chairs had to be put out. Special thanks go to the harmonious Broxbourne Handbell Ringers; to our tuneful singing group; to our wonderful readers; to those who set up and decorated the church beautifully and to those who kindly provided and served welcome refreshments. The carols were greatly appreciated. There was much happy applause. Comments included that the

We were delighted to have to have 30 children as part of the Mill Mead School Choir join us with their families at our Family Carol Service on Sunday 15th December.  The very talented Choir sung two very enjoyable Christmas songs and joined in a ‘make-shift’ percussion band to accompany two of our Christmas Carols. We were also very pleased that many of the families stayed after the Service for light refreshments and a chat. A wonderful way to start
